Saturday, July 17 2021
Enjoy God’s Peace Sometimes, I find myself like a tangled up ball of yarn. It’s difficult to get everything done, no matter how hard I try to keep moving forward. I’m sure you experience the same things, at times. Do you know what Jesus says about that? “Come to Me.” That’s it. He gives us a short and simple answer. He wants us to believe in Him and to have faith in Him. He doesn’t begin explaining how we should live our everyday life. He doesn’t always tell us how to take our bucket of troubles and turn them into pleasures. He watches us from heaven as we get frustrated, while trying to unwind our issues. Again, He says... “come to me... I will give you rest.” Then He smiles down at us. Then we might say... “I have to go. I have to hurry. I need to get there.” But He says, “slow down.” He puts an obstacle in our path. We are late. But Jesus says, “I protected you.” Wouldn’t we all be better off if we just trusted God each minute of our life? Would we be happier if we just simply decided to enjoy His peace? If we simply follow His guidance, one step at a time, peace will be ours. Is your day today filled with busyness and struggles? Give God your ball of yarn and watch how He gets all the tangles out for you. But it will only happen, when we turn our fears into faith. Please don’t struggle needlessly. Trust God! He won’t let you down. Comments: