Wednesday, August 04 2021
The Best Years My husband Roy and I were talking yesterday. We were discussing our health matters and how God had taken care of us over the years. We both have issues which might have come on us as a result of bad habits and eating too much in our younger years. We still find it ironic that we are so much alike that we tested positive for COVID on the same day. We both lost taste and smell on the same day. It returned to both of us the next day. And we recovered on the same day. We were the blind leading the blind for those couple of weeks. But the bottom line is that we both recovered. God wasn’t finished with us yet. He still had something for us to do. As we get older, new health concerns arise. Many couples pull apart. They stop dating. He stops bringing her flowers. She stops cooking him special meals. We get up and go in separate directions. Holding hands is a thing of the past. Life changed for both of us. But to me, our marriage has changed for the better. Since retirement, we spend more time together. He cooks me special meals, fixes my plate, and does whatever he can to help me lower my blood sugar. He even gives me my shots. I stick with him through his health concerns, as well. We see ourselves as a team. We are both in our sixties now. We oftentimes think about the day, as youngsters, we talked and dreamed about growing old together. Well, we did it! We are now “old.” But yesterday, we decided that our best years are going to be our last years. How can that be, you may be asking? We both move slower. We stop to smell the roses. We cherish our pets and cry together when we lose them. We enjoy our meals at a table for two in our kitchenette. Sometimes, we even light a candle. When you are old, you cherish each day; for one day down, is one day we won’t ever live again. Roy and I count each day together as a blessing. Some people stop dreaming when they get old. Not us! I’m still dreaming of writing a Pulitzer Prize novel. Roy still dreams of reaching thousands of people for Jesus. As we are getting older, he is preaching more funerals. Our friends, some younger than us, are leaving this world and joining our other friends in heaven. I’m writing more and more books. Why? You may be asking. It’s my way of leaving messages from God behind when I leave this place. I believe whole-heartedly that we should live until we die. I don’t know where you stand in life today, but if you are reading this you are breathing. So make the very best of every day. If you have your spouse, kiss him or her, hold their hand, cook a meal and serve them. Give them a shot if you need to. And buy the flowers. You don’t have to go to an expensive florist. Check out the produce section of your favorite grocery store. For less than ten dollars you can buy a fistful of daisys, that will mean the world to your sweetheart. Read a book together. One couple shared with me that they read “Jacob’s Cottage” together. Now they can’t wait for “Jacob’s Cottage” sequel-book two. They plan to read it together too. You can both make your dreams come true. For your last years can truly be your best years. Celebrate and enjoy every day together. And remember to thank Jesus along the way. |